Parasite Prevention Medication for Dogs

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There are various types of parasites that dogs are prone to infection with, and they divide into two main types. There are Internal parasites and External parasites. With Buddydoc, you can check an index of dog medication that prevents various parasites.

This table is a handy way of checking which prescription your dog may need in the event of an infection.

parasite prevention medicine for dogs

Advantage II: Fleas, Flea egg

Advantage Multi: Heartworms, Fleas, Hookworms

Heartgard Plus: Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms

Interceptor: Heartworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, Roundworms

Iverhart Max: Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms

Iverhart Plus: Heartworms, RoundwormsNexgard: Fleas, Ticks

Revolution: Heartworms, Fleas, Flea eggs, Ticks, Ear Mites

Sentinel: Heartworms, Fleas, Flea eggs

Sentinel Spectrum: Heartworms, Fleas, Flea eggs, Hookworms, Whipworms, Roundworms

Trifexis: Heartworms, Fleas, Hookworms, Whipworms, Roundworms

Tri-Heart Plus: Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms

*all of these medications should be given monthly.

Preventable Internal Parasites ✔

Whipworm: Whipworms typically live in the dog's appendix and large intestine, causing severe irritation in both organs. A whipworm infection can lead to hematuria, weight loss, and overall decline. Veterinarians can easily treat whipworms with deworming medications.

Roundworm: A roundworm is a relatively common parasite found more in puppies than adult dogs. The most common symptoms are weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, belly pain, etc. Fortunately, the medication that prevents and treats roundworm infections is very effective.

Heartworm: A heartworm is a roundworm that lives in a dog’s heart. If left untreated, the parasite will multiply until the damage spreads to the lungs and arteries, which could have fatal aftereffects.

Preventable External Parasites ✔

Fleas: Adult fleas stick to dogs and survive by feeding off the dog’s blood. Dogs can develop severe itching and dermatitis due to an allergic reaction towards the flea's blood, and in extreme cases, it may lead to bacterial infection and even hair loss.

Ticks: Ticks are found anywhere globally but mainly live in grasslands. Therefore, you should be more cautious of ticks when walking with your dog during warm climates! Ticks can cause various diseases in dogs with symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Ear Mites: Ear mites live in the dog’s ear and cause wax build-up and severe itching. Although it is more common in outdoor animals, indoor animals can also catch ear mites. If left untreated, ear mites could cause further complications, including infection or permanent hearing damage.

Q. Why should I use medicine to prevent parasites?

Most parasites do not cause serious complications, but if they continue to live in the dog's body without being treated, they will cause severe preventable damage to their bodies. These parasites, if left untreated, can affect other dogs and humans. Therefore, proper medication is considered an essential part of a dog’s healthy habits!

Q. How can I check my dog for parasites?

The honest answer is that it’s complicated.

While you can visually identify some parasites with the naked eye, other types of parasites are much harder to identify. The most common symptoms of a dog living with a parasite include vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea with or without bloody stools, and poor hair conditions.

In some cases, parasites may not cause noticeable symptoms and instead hide in a pets' body for a long time undetected. If you suspect your pet has parasites, use the Buddydoc's Smart Symptom Checker and enter your pet’s symptoms!

You can check your dog's condition easily and quickly without going to the vet!